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Kristin Beck, before and after |
The book, Warrior Princess A U.S. Navy Seal's Journey to Coming Out Transgender
I have no way of definitely knowing whether Kristin Beck is or has been a crossdreamer (in the sense of having experienced sexual fantasies of being a woman pre-op), but she was definitely a crossdresser while male bodied.
She was also married with a woman, so I guess we can say she had a lot in common with many of the readers of this blog, whether they are transsexual or not.
She is not the first MTF transgender to have joined the military to toughen up and become "a real man". Military male bodied persons are twice as likely to be transgender as civilians. Still, I do not think there are many crossdreamers out there who have joined special ops like the Navy SEALs in order to support a fragile male identity.
The fact that many gynephilic (woman-loving) male to female transgender often chose stereotypical male occupations has been used to "prove" that they are not real women. (This implicitly means that female firefighters and fighter pilots are not real women, either, but let us put that aside for a moment.)
Family members and friends may also push them into traditional masculine occupations in order to have them "cured" of their crossdreaming.
This is an old tactic, often used for homosexual men (and women). The idea is that if you force them into accepting activities "appropriate to their sex" they will rediscover "their true selves", or -- if not -- they will be conditioned to accept their fate.
This does not work for the gay and it does not work for crossdreamers, but as long as people can make themselves believe that this is a question of will and character, and not the result of an inborn trait, I guess both family members and crossdreamers will continue trying.
To me the fact that a male bodied Navy Seal decides to transition is proof of the exact opposite: The inner drive that forced her to take this extreme decisions goes far beyond anything you can expect from a controllable "fetish" or fixed idea.
This is a violent and extreme attempt at suppressing a natural side of ones own personality, in order to fit in and find love and respect. Mental conditioning won't solve this problem.
Warrior Princess, the book
The book is interesting on many levels. I especially admire the courage of Kristin. And here I am thinking more about her courage to chose her own life and go public with her story, than her actions as a Navy Seal.
It should be noted, though, that the book has clearly not been written by Kristine herself, but by the psychologist Anne Speckhard.
Speckhard has chosen a journalistic style that sometimes weakens the message, in my mind. She quotes childhood conversations, word by word, as if she was there. This gives the presentation a dramatic flair, but unfortunately weakens its credibility.
Childhood memories
That is a shame, because many of the childhood stories given in the book demonstrate clearly that gynephilic trans women also have childhood memories of wanting to be a girl:
"When Chris wanted to be part of the girl's rituals he was actively rebuffed.
'That's for girls, silly!' Hanna said, taking one of her small plastic barrettes out of Chris's pudgy hand after he tried to fasten it to his short hair. And when the four-year old Chris burst into tears she didn't give it back.
'You don't need a barrette,' his mother explained. 'You're a boy!'".
Psychological explanation
Implicitly Speckhard also gives her own psychological explanation for Kristine's female identity that I find difficult to accept.
Speckhard seems to believe that Chris, now Kristine, chose a female identity in response to the masculine demands of an oppressive father. It is as if she believes Chris wanted to be one of the girls, because their lives were easier than his.
"I want to be Hanna! Chris frequently wished. While he put on his little boots and a jacket early in the mornings braving the cold weather to go outside to shovel snow, or feed the farm animals; Chris saw that his sisters stayed inside and seemed to have a much nicer life helping their mother. I'd rather be a girl and stay with them! They get to have all the fun. Chris thought to himself."
Given the diversity of transgender family constellations, I am not sure this makes much sense at all. I had a kind and "feminine" father who would not have touched a gun if you forced him to. Moreover, very few hypermasculine, oppressive, fathers get transgender sons. Most boy's remain non-transgender, regardless of upbringing.
And had his sister Hanna been a female to male crossdreamer, she might perfectly well have envied Chris his tough and exciting challenges out there in "the free world of male privilege". Trans kids have a tendency of secretly identifying with every stereotypical aspect of their hidden sex, in the same way non-trans kids try on the meanings and the mannerisms of their gender in order to gain respect and develop a stable personality.
In other words: Using this kind of reasoning, it seems you can use any childhood, regardless of internal family dynamics, to "explain" a transgender condition. That may be of help to the individual, but is impossible to prove and does not help us find a more coherent explanation for what all this is about.
Upbringing may determine attempts at "solving the problem"
I seriously doubt that the harsh upbringing of Kristin is a sufficient explanation for her gender dysphoria. However, her father's fundamentalist obsession with making a real man out of Chris does help explain why she chose to join the military.
"One day Luther [his father] happened into his room when Chris was playing quietly wearing one of Hanna's skirts.
'What the hell are you doing wearing that dress?' Luther shouted dumbfounded at the sight. He scooped up Chris in a rage and shook him hard. 'Take that off right now! I don't ever want to to see you doing something so perverse as that again! Boys do not wear dresses! You got that?' he shouted."
His father didn't want the boys to grow up to be "sissies" and he was tough on his sons. Chris got more of this abuse, because of his feminine side. This is exactly the kind of reaction that traumatizes transgender children and make them turn against themselves.
Relating to the other sex
There is a tendency for both crossdreamers, researchers and others to ignore the social context of the lives of transgender people. That is: People easily forget that their attempts at fitting in, actually may make them stand out, simply because they fail to live up to the demands of friends, foe and family.
I know for a fact that I was not wired for the life of a proactive, aggressive, beer drinking "bloke", which in no way helped my social life as a teenager and young adult.
The following description of Krisitin's high school day's echoes a large number of stories told on this blog:
"In high school Chris was socially awkward -- perhaps not knowing how to relate as a boy to the opposite sex given that he was already gender identified as a female. He didn't feel gay either -- he wasn't sure about anything -- so Chris mostly shut down any sense of sexuality preferring to relate to others in a non-sexual manner. He tried to date girls and did a few times, but mostly it didn't work out. He mostly just wanted to be around the girls and be in the talks and gossip with them. He liked to be near them to their clothes and wish he was wearing what they were wearing. He was an odd ball and an underdog."
Other male to female transgender -- especially those who cannot realistically live up to the ideals of soldiers and policemen -- often end up in more "nerdy" male dominated spheres of life, like engineering or computing. Not only do these occupations imbue them with some sense of masculinity. The male dominance in these communities also helps them avoid facing their fears. If you do not interact romantically with women, you can pretend nothing is wrong.
The Warrior Princess definitely preferred life in the field to a life in suburbia. Facing the Taliban was nothing compared to her facing her failure as a man in the marriage bed.
Sexual life
Unlike many transsexual autobiographies the book does not hide the sexual aspects of being transgender. Chris' painful attempts at establishing normal relationships with women illustrates the clash between two female sexualities:
"Pretending she was the girl, Chris laid down and let Angie get on top and ride him again. Even though it was he penetrating her, her body thumping down on top of him gave him the sensation of being the girl. When they finished it was clear she understood what was going through his mind, and it was obvious -- even though she was silent about it -- that she wasn't pleased. That was the end of that relationship. Nearly the same would happen with all of Chris's relationships for the rest of his life: awkwardness, then isolation and finally failure."
In many of the comments on this blog you will find similar examples of the incompatibility between MTF crossdreamers and many (but not all) non-transgender women.
If anyone wonders why so many crossdreamers decide to journey alone, this is the main explanation -- and not that they are "narcissists with an autoerotic sexuality". Unless they can find an open-minded partner willing to experiment, they will find themselves sexually incompatible with the women they love.
Unfortunately, this book -- as so many other autobiographies of transsexuals -- does not manage to capture the complexity of what is happening. Take this quote as an example:
"For years Chris had turned off his sexuality like a light switch and lived as a warrior, consumed with the battle -- living basically asexual... And until he resolved his body issues and got a girl body it would be too strange for him to engage in homosexual behavior that he did not relate to."
First of all: For Kristine to have sex with men is "heterosexual", not "homosexual" behavior. And if she cannot relate to having sex with men, why does not the book discuss the possibility of living as a lesbian woman? Or for that matter: If Kristine's sexual orientation is fluid, why not say so?
To call Kristin's pre-op life for "asexual" is -- at best -- an insufficient description. The story itself tells us that sexual pressure is one of many factors driving her towards transitioning. She was far from asexual.
The effect of this book
My Scandinavian temperament may find the style of the book a bit loud and forced. In a rather bizarre way Chris' status as a masculine American war hero is used to underpin the legitimacy of Kristin, the woman who "wants to be pretty". I don't think this would be possible in a country like mine.
But then again, the book is written for an American audience. I realize that this popular, journalistic, style may be exactly what is needed for Kristin to achieve what she set out to do by having this book published: namely, to stop transgender people in the US from killing themselves.
And the following is definitely written in the voice of Kristin:
"I reach out to all of the younger generation and encourage you to live your life fully and treat each other with compassion, be good to each other especially in your own backyard (whether it be high school or community). There is a huge world out there and many adventures that await you."
The book has been well received well in American media. What is even more promising is the fact that so many of her colleagues in the military have accepted her. She is actually still working for the US military, although no longer as a Navy Seal.
See also:
Kristin Beck and Anne Spekchard: Warrior Princess A U.S. Navy Seal's Journey to Coming Out Transgender
See also: Kristin Beck, the SEALs’ Warrior Princess Who Came Out as Transgender
Transgender Navy SEAL 'Warrior Princess' Comes Out
Sandra L. Samons, Ph.D.: "Building Your Own Prison: The Use of External Structure to Reinforce Suppression of Transgender Feelings and Behaviors" Gender and Psychoanalysis, Volume 6 #2 Spring 2001
Aaron Belkin: Bring Me Men: Military Masculinity and the Benign Façade of American Empire, 1898-2001 (Columbia/Hurst)
The book's references to the term hypermasculinity is based on George R. Brown's study of transgender in the military. See for instance George R. Brown: "Transsexuals in the Military, Flight into Hypermasculinity", Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol 17, No 6, 1988. Brown believes that the the percentage of transsexuals are twice as high in the US military as in the general population.
The Warrior Princess definitely preferred life in the field to a life in suburbia. Facing the Taliban was nothing compared to her facing her failure as a man in the marriage bed.
Sexual life
Unlike many transsexual autobiographies the book does not hide the sexual aspects of being transgender. Chris' painful attempts at establishing normal relationships with women illustrates the clash between two female sexualities:
"Pretending she was the girl, Chris laid down and let Angie get on top and ride him again. Even though it was he penetrating her, her body thumping down on top of him gave him the sensation of being the girl. When they finished it was clear she understood what was going through his mind, and it was obvious -- even though she was silent about it -- that she wasn't pleased. That was the end of that relationship. Nearly the same would happen with all of Chris's relationships for the rest of his life: awkwardness, then isolation and finally failure."
In many of the comments on this blog you will find similar examples of the incompatibility between MTF crossdreamers and many (but not all) non-transgender women.
If anyone wonders why so many crossdreamers decide to journey alone, this is the main explanation -- and not that they are "narcissists with an autoerotic sexuality". Unless they can find an open-minded partner willing to experiment, they will find themselves sexually incompatible with the women they love.
Unfortunately, this book -- as so many other autobiographies of transsexuals -- does not manage to capture the complexity of what is happening. Take this quote as an example:
"For years Chris had turned off his sexuality like a light switch and lived as a warrior, consumed with the battle -- living basically asexual... And until he resolved his body issues and got a girl body it would be too strange for him to engage in homosexual behavior that he did not relate to."
First of all: For Kristine to have sex with men is "heterosexual", not "homosexual" behavior. And if she cannot relate to having sex with men, why does not the book discuss the possibility of living as a lesbian woman? Or for that matter: If Kristine's sexual orientation is fluid, why not say so?
To call Kristin's pre-op life for "asexual" is -- at best -- an insufficient description. The story itself tells us that sexual pressure is one of many factors driving her towards transitioning. She was far from asexual.
The effect of this book
My Scandinavian temperament may find the style of the book a bit loud and forced. In a rather bizarre way Chris' status as a masculine American war hero is used to underpin the legitimacy of Kristin, the woman who "wants to be pretty". I don't think this would be possible in a country like mine.
But then again, the book is written for an American audience. I realize that this popular, journalistic, style may be exactly what is needed for Kristin to achieve what she set out to do by having this book published: namely, to stop transgender people in the US from killing themselves.
And the following is definitely written in the voice of Kristin:
"I reach out to all of the younger generation and encourage you to live your life fully and treat each other with compassion, be good to each other especially in your own backyard (whether it be high school or community). There is a huge world out there and many adventures that await you."
The book has been well received well in American media. What is even more promising is the fact that so many of her colleagues in the military have accepted her. She is actually still working for the US military, although no longer as a Navy Seal.
See also:
Kristin Beck and Anne Spekchard: Warrior Princess A U.S. Navy Seal's Journey to Coming Out Transgender
See also: Kristin Beck, the SEALs’ Warrior Princess Who Came Out as Transgender
Transgender Navy SEAL 'Warrior Princess' Comes Out
Sandra L. Samons, Ph.D.: "Building Your Own Prison: The Use of External Structure to Reinforce Suppression of Transgender Feelings and Behaviors" Gender and Psychoanalysis, Volume 6 #2 Spring 2001
Aaron Belkin: Bring Me Men: Military Masculinity and the Benign Façade of American Empire, 1898-2001 (Columbia/Hurst)
The book's references to the term hypermasculinity is based on George R. Brown's study of transgender in the military. See for instance George R. Brown: "Transsexuals in the Military, Flight into Hypermasculinity", Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol 17, No 6, 1988. Brown believes that the the percentage of transsexuals are twice as high in the US military as in the general population.
I don't know why this article / video struck me so hard. You hear stories like this all the time about how a transgender person acted super macho to suppress their true feelings, only to come out later when they can't be suppressed anymore. Perhaps it's acting seeing video of before/after, perhaps it's because such a masculine bearded man became such a pretty woman. All I know is that I'm gonna have to pick up that book.
ReplyDeleteIt is a really interesting post for sure. And also it sad that it is so true. I think that in many societies such as the American one it is seen as bad to be more feminine if you are a guy. It is the idea that a guy is seen as a "sissy" or not quite a man. The thing is that in America being a man is really enforced in a way, especially in sports. It does seem that this makes more people go into hypsermasculinty. I also understand the desire to isolate yourself from the world in order to not feel the social pressures of the world, and go into a more "manly" job. What's funny is that the job I want to do is seen in some ways as more feminine, but at the higher levels it is more dominated by men.
ReplyDeleteIt is kind of funny because I want to help soldiers and military people in the field of psychology. But I do really feel the pressure to be a "man" by the society around me.
"To me the fact that a male bodied Navy Seal decides to transition is proof of the exact opposite: The inner drive that forced her to take this extreme decisions goes far beyond anything you can expect from a controllable "fetish" or fixed idea."
ReplyDeleteHow wishfully naive.
"Implicitly Speckhard also gives her own psychological explanation for Kristine's female identity that I find difficult to accept."
Perfectly reasonable account, however much you dislike it.
"In other words: Using this kind of reasoning, it seems you can use any childhood, regardless of internal family dynamics, to "explain" a transgender condition."
As is also the case conversely, with an deterministic essentialist biological explanation.
"That is: People easily forget that their attempts at fitting in, actually may make them stand out, simply because they fail to live up to the demands of friends, foe and family... I know for a fact that I was not wired for the life..."
The failure to match up to idealised stereotypes does not inherently imply anything beyond unrealistic expectations.
"I seriously doubt that the harsh upbringing of Kristin is a sufficient explanation for her gender dysphoria. However, her father's fundamentalist obsession with making a real man out of Chris does help explain why she chose to join the military."
If one is to take in the complexity of all the issues involved, I seriously think it may have played an extremely important part, if not the central part.
Our fetish is a symptom of this culture, if not a direct sexualzation of it.
ReplyDeleteGeorge L. Mosse has written a very interesting book called The Image of Man, where he goes into the creation of modern masculinity.
He points out that the current idea of what it means to be a man appeared sometime in the 19th and early 20th century.
Sports and physical health became an essential part of the regime that wanted to turn boys into "real men". He writes:
"Masculinity was regarded as one piece from its very beginning: body and soul, outward appearance and inward virtue were supposed to form one harmonious whole, a perfect construct where every part was in its place. Modern masculinity was a stereotype, presenting a standardized mental picture, "the unchanging representation of another", as Webster's Dictionary defines stereotypes."
There was no room for individual variation.
The Nazis brought this stereotype into the extreme but also European socialists and American educators used sports and gymnastics to create the perfect man.
This perfect man was then contrasted with all the weak aliens: the Jews, "Negros", gypsies, artists and homosexuals, who were all pictured as effeminate and/or hypersexual.
As we have seen from "Mad Men", this stereotype didn't start to crack until the late 1960's, but it still has an effect on those that step to far off the beaten path.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete"Other male to female transgender -- especially those who cannot realistically live up to the ideals of soldiers and policemen -- often end up in more "nerdy" male dominated spheres of life, like engineering or computing."
ReplyDeleteYeah I did that. But not to feel
masculine. At least not consciously.
"Not only do these occupations imbue them with some sense of masculinity. The male dominance in these communities also helps them avoid facing their fears."
Not really sure about that.
"If you do not interact romantically with women, you can pretend nothing is wrong."
No, I was a lesbian trapped in a mans body and not having anyone romantically involved with me felt VERY wrong to me.
"Trans kids have a tendency of secretly identifying with every stereotypical aspect of their hidden sex, in the same way non-trans kids try on the meanings and the mannerisms of their gender in order to gain respect and develop a stable personality."
Not really, I fantasized about being mermaid like all the other trans kids but I quickly learned to hide all my feminine mannerisms to avoid getting ridiculed. In fact I tried on the meanings and the mannerisms of males in order to gain respect in an attempt to develop a stable personality.
ReplyDeleteThank you for an interesting comment!
I do not actually think there is that much of a difference between what you are describing and the people I have discussed in your quotes.
The main difference is that you seem to have been conscious of your crossdreaming all the time. You have not tried to fool yourself into believing you were not a crossdreamer, even if you have hidden this side from others.
Other crossdreamers go one step further: They not only try to make the others believe they are "real men". They try to force themselves to believe so. That is much more destructive.