The recent discussion on what a girlfag is or isn't has made me realize that there is a lot of confusion about the meaning of the word "transgender", and the main reason for this uncertainty is found in the current version of the relevant Wikipedia article.
The Wikipedia definition
The article starts out with the following sentence:
"Transgender is the state of one's gender identity (self-identification as woman, man, neither or both) not matching one's assigned sex."
No wonder many of my crossdreamer and girlfag/guydyke friends do not want to call themselves transgender! If they feel at home in their own bodies and/or identify with their birth sex this definition will not describe their sense of self.
This definition reflects, however, in no way the common usage of the term "transgender". You can find traces of this fact in the rest of the Wikipedia text.
The article states, for instance:
"While people self-identify as transgender, the transgender identity umbrella includes sometimes-overlapping categories. These include transsexual; transvestite or cross-dresser; genderqueer; androgyne; and bigender."
The inclusion of crossdressers alone is enough to undermine the first definition given above, given that many crossdressers identify with their birth sex.
(Please note that other parts of the Wikipedia article allows for the inclusion of those who are transgender not because their gender idendity is at stake, but because they like to express themselves in way that are in violation of expected gender behavior. In other words: The text does not stop people who identify as their birth sex to call themselves transgender. Still, since the main parts is about gender identity, the text is not normally read this way.*)
So what does transgender really mean?
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Wikipedia is trying to amputate the transgender rainbow. (Photo: PinkSherbetPhotography) |
The Wikipedia definition
The article starts out with the following sentence:
"Transgender is the state of one's gender identity (self-identification as woman, man, neither or both) not matching one's assigned sex."
No wonder many of my crossdreamer and girlfag/guydyke friends do not want to call themselves transgender! If they feel at home in their own bodies and/or identify with their birth sex this definition will not describe their sense of self.
This definition reflects, however, in no way the common usage of the term "transgender". You can find traces of this fact in the rest of the Wikipedia text.
The article states, for instance:
"While people self-identify as transgender, the transgender identity umbrella includes sometimes-overlapping categories. These include transsexual; transvestite or cross-dresser; genderqueer; androgyne; and bigender."
The inclusion of crossdressers alone is enough to undermine the first definition given above, given that many crossdressers identify with their birth sex.
(Please note that other parts of the Wikipedia article allows for the inclusion of those who are transgender not because their gender idendity is at stake, but because they like to express themselves in way that are in violation of expected gender behavior. In other words: The text does not stop people who identify as their birth sex to call themselves transgender. Still, since the main parts is about gender identity, the text is not normally read this way.*)
So what does transgender really mean?