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To defeat Trump and right-wing extremists, pro-democracy advocates must help humanize trans people in the eyes of Americans. Photo: Valeria Blanc. |
Let us not beat about the bush: the election of Donald Trump is a disaster, for LGBTQ people, for America, and for those who want to make our societies more open to diversity and inclusion. This is going to be hard. But this "culture war" is not over. There are so many good people fighting for a better world out there, and if we act appropriately, tolerance and compassion may still prevail in the end.
But first, let us see where we are right now:
The Bad
Americans have elected a person who is - at best - an unhinged, aggressive populist, but who also tick off nearly all the boxes of what constitutes a Fascist.
We will now get a new administration in Washington packed with people who do not respect the basic rules of a democracy.
In other words: If the anti-fascists of the US do not manage to handle that danger, the worst-case scenario is the end of real American democracy. This is what happened in Germany when parts of the establishment decided that Adolf Hitler was a man they could manage.
Many are exhausted from enduring Donald Trump's toxic mental instability for over eight years. There is no rest where we can have moments in safe spaces of rationality and optimism. Trump is a seriously sick man, a narcissist incapable of genuine human compassion. And he is getting worse. The next four years are going to be bad.
But we are not where the Germans were in 1933 yet. And it is important to keep that in mind. This is not the end of this story. Actually, this may be the start of a better one.
The Ugly
Trump & Co have left any qualms they might have had about using the old Fascist playbook - as in using "The Other" as scape goats for everything that is wrong in the world.
"The Other" are, at this time in American history, immigrants, people of color, independent women and LGBTQ people. They are grouped together under vague umbrella terms like "communists", "socialists", and "liberals". These are people who, according to this narrative, threaten the very fabric of civilized society, a society which is based on traditional cishet family units run by white men.
Transgender people are the perfect scape goats in this playbook, as they threaten what the populists see as the self-evident nature of biological sex and gender roles.
Men are, according to this view, different than women in essence. It is the male essence that make "real men" strong and effective leaders. The true nature of women is to become compassionate mothers, not presidents. Just listen to J.D. Vance. If someone who is seen as a man realizes that she is a woman, that natural order is threatened. If a "woman becomes a man", "she" assumes a role that is not hers.
As in the Nazi campaigns against the Jews, the Trumpian war against transgender people is presented as a defense of helpless children. These children are seduced by evil into becoming something they are neither by nature nor the laws of God.
This narrative relates to the QAnon myth alleging that wealthy Democrats, such as the Clintons, run pedophile pedophile trafficking rings. In the transgender case, an alliance of transgender activists, pro-trans medical staff and gender researchers have replaced the Freemasons and the Jews of the Nazi narrative.
The Republicans are actively exploiting the irrational sexual anxieties of the American people. These fears are then projected onto those who do not fit the rules of their game.
And as we saw in the 1930s and the 1940s this can lead to horrible policies and immense suffering. The Republicans have already caused a lot of harm to transgender people in red states. Trump has promised to engage the federal apparatus to "protect children" against the "gender cult".
Make no mistake about it: In other countries both TERFs and Fascists will be encouraged by what has happened in the US, and they will intensify their attacks on trans people.
(See the article Today's anti-trans activism is about so much more than transgender people for more on this.)
The Good:
What can give us hope in such a situation?
Actually, there is a lot that LGBTQ people and their allies can do in order to help trans people. We have a lot of resources.
First: Keep in mind that half of the American electorate rejected Donald Trump. That does not mean that half of the American population are pro-trans per se or that they are engaged in transgender issues. But most of them believe in a society where people are allowed to explore their own destiny.
Indeed, polls indicate that a majority of Americans believe that trans people should be accepted, even if the same Americans do not necessarily understand or accept the stories trans people and health experts tell them. Even Republicans didn't like the recent anti-trans election campaigns. Trump won because of the economy, not anti-trans propaganda.
As Trump's persecution of those he do not like intensifies, it will also become clearer to all people that the attacks against trans people are not really about protecting cishet children, but a ploy meant to distract people from what most consider essential issues, like the economy and welfare.
In other words: Instead of trying to pretend the transgender issue is of little relevance (as Kamala Harris did), there is a case to be made for presenting the fate of transgender Americans as central to the survival of American democracy.
This will draw more attention to trans people, for sure, but right now I think we have to accept that that will happen anyway. The defenders of democracy must be much more vocal about trans issues.
The good news here is that the pro-democracy front has a lot of knowledge and brainpower. It might look like America has completely abandoned rationality and fact-based discussions in favor of irrational conspiracy-theories, but the truth is that a significant portion of American adults have higher education and college degrees. They are not necessarily smarter than their opponents, but they have at least some basic training in critical thinking, competences that can be used effectively in this struggle.
The Bad that Might Lead to Good
Second: The second Trump presidency will most likely be a chaotic nightmare of mismanagement and crazy policies. The relatively sane people that stopped Trump from doing too much damage in his first term are gone.
What happens next will be exhausting for both Americans and those in the world who wishes America well. But if one of the main reasons so many independents voted for Trump was the economy, the Trump tariffs alone will show them that the Trump administration is not going to make their economic situation better. It will make it much worse.
And if Trump actually follows up promises of making RFK Jr. a health czar and allows Elon Musk to destroy the federal welfare system, the mood may shift quickly. Let us keep in mind that the Brazilians let go of their right wing extremist when they realized that he was no better than those who came before him.
But if pro-democracy politicians and activists want to benefit from such a backlash, they need to reframe their understanding of the American crisis. The crisis is systemic, caused by technological change (which has transformed previously job intensive industries) and policies undermining a fair redistribution of wealth in society.
The rich have gotten richer and more powerful, while significant portions of the middle and working classes are struggling to make ends meet. Kamala Harris's defeat can be explained by inflation and high interest rates. This is not something "the market" or new innovations will fix by themselves.
If the democratic politicians of the US do not face the systemic properties of the current crisis, and do something about them, the American polarization and the accompanying hostilities will get only worse and worse. The only ones who benefit from that are the Fascists.
When people feel that they are seen, understood and cared for, their fear subsides and they are much less likely to allow manipulators to direct their anger towards scapegoats like people of color and trans people. In other words: The defense of trans people cannot be reduced to specific pro-trans policies and instruments. It must be seen as part of a larger reform of society.
We need to understand the psychology of fear and hope. This struggle cannot be reduced to fact-based arguments about the reality of gender dysphoria and the fact that trans people are of no threat to cis people. If you want to reduce the bigotry of bigots, you need to take away the fuel that drives their fear and prejudices.
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Fascism harness people's fear of uncertainty and social exclusion by redirecting their anger towards outsiders. Illustration: Pandagolik. |
What else?
It would be tempting to withdraw from the whole conflict and stop engaging with politics and transphobes. But if all LGBTQ people and their allies did that, it would not take long before being trans is completely outlawed in all of the US. There is a good chance the reactionaries will be going after the rest of the letters of the LGBTQ+ acronym next.We need to create strong communities for support of trans and queer people both online and offline. It is especially important to help young trans people who do not have the experience and knowledge that may make all of this understandable to them. Each and everyone of us cannot solve these problems by our own, but we can all do our share. One person helping another trans person thrive is a victory.
We need to make sure that the rest of the LGBTQ community is fully committed to defend and support trans people.
We need to build alliances with positive cis-people and organizations, and get them to make the argument that anti-trans policies represents attacks on democracy and tolerance and that this is not only about transgender lives.
We need to continue to make trans people visible. I see fewer and fewer positive transgender life stories in the media. That is understandable given the amount of harassment many trans people face, but this is also very dangerous. If we are to gain more support for pro-trans policies trans people have to be visible. If not, the transphobes will succeed in dehumanizing trans people.
In the blue states of the US, politicians and activists must continue to build walls against transphobia. In other democratic countries pro-democracy politicians and activists must intensify their support of trans people.
We need to continue to celebrate trans identities and gender expanding expressions. Our mental health and our quality of life requires safe spaces outside the realm of politics where we can just be who we are. This applies to those who are out in the open and those whose gender variance is still hidden. If everything is reduced to political battles, many will soon lose the ability to fight. This means that LGBTQ bars, clubs, societies, parades and personal networks are essential. And we need to give ourselves time and room to rest and recharge.
Terrific writing as always, Jack.
ReplyDeleteLast night was so disheartening. This morning I am shaken as I consider not only four more years of Trump's preposterous foolery but also:
- JD Vance waiting in the wings;
- Elon Musk throwing his considerable weight around;
- The House, Senate, and the Supreme Court all aligned under MAGA.
Yes, we'll survive and, I hope, some day the pendulum will swing back but it remains to be seen how much damage he and they will inflict in the US and the world.
A very wise and thoughtful reflection. There is much to digest here, and a compelling case for all LGBTQ people to keep their wise heads when others may be losing theirs, taking courage in what isn't a lost cause, and responding assertively while respectfully to continue to bring visibility to and defend the beauty and value to all of embracing "the other." Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThank you both for your comments! I believe that politically one of the most important challenges will be to stop Trump from changing the policy system so much that it is become packed his supporters or people who find it opportune to play along. We have learned from countries like Hungary, Poland and Turkey that autocrats can achieve much by slowly changing the system they inherit, pushing boundaries step by step, making it harder and harder to get rid og them. Project 2025 tells us that they are prepared to do exactly that. This is why it becomes so important to call out abuse of this kind every step of the way. The free press and independent NGOs will be more important than ever.
ReplyDeleteOne thing I forgot to mention in the article is the role of parents of transgender kids and youth. They need help now, more than ever, but they can also organize themselves, becoming an essential part of any resistance.
ReplyDeleteIndeed, Jack, parents of trans kids are truly caught in a constrictor-like bind. Fortunately there are orgs out there such as TransFamilies, that provide support and community for parents, largely in the US but has members from around the world.
DeleteThank you. Yes, very important in the mix.
DeleteBravo Jack! Your main point that we need to do everything we can, and visibly, to help make the lives of the fearful better- that is correct and the shortest path to acceptance of us and rejection of fearmongering anti LGBYQ nonsense.Thank you!!! Miri
ReplyDeleteAt this point there is no putting the genie back in the bottle particularly for transgender youth that has grown up with far less stigma and trauma. I see the way they carry themselves with such confidence that it is inpiring. Gender variance in all its forms is more open than I have ever seen it and the reaction from the average person who has no evil agenda is not to care.
ReplyDeleteNo going back despite the current pushback from the haters
Oh and great article as usual! ;)
ReplyDeleteDiversity and inclusion on the basis of what, Jack? Race? Gender? Sexual orientation? The very things people DON'T want to be represented by? There is no such thing as representation on the basis of what people are. A black lesbian trans person would rather be represented by a white heterosexual man who agrees with her on the issues that matter to her before she ever wants to be represented by another black lesbian trans person who doesn't. People don't want to be represented on the basis of what they are. They NEVER did and they NEVER will. People want to be represented on the basis of what they THINK, regardless of what they are. That's why representation on the basis of what people THINK is the only legitimate form of representation there is. All identity politics is false politics. It's time for you to learn that, Jack. Being part of some elusive LGBTQ community means nothing. Only what people think is relevant to representation.
ReplyDeleteListen to me VERY carefully, Jack. EVERYTHING about the concept of gender identity is bullshit. Absolutely everything. And the reason is a obvious as it is simple. You wanna know why it's bullshit, Jack? Because the entire idea that a transwoman is not a man is solely built on the premise that a man cannot be like THAT. That's it. There's nothing more to it than that. That's ALL it is.
ReplyDeleteWhat makes you the expert? Just because you haven't experienced gender dysphoria doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
DeleteAnd what are you afraid of to be so compelled to argue something that you know nothing about?
What makes you think I know nothing about it? Let me ask you something. What form of behavior belongs to what gender? There's no correct answer to this question. If you say that a certain kind of behavior belongs to a woman, then all I have to do to debunk it is by showing you a man who behaves that way. This is where the concept of gender fails. If all forms of behavior can be part of people of all genders, (and it can), then the very concept of gender is incapable of categorizing behavior. And therefore, has nothing to explain about behavior. The reason why the concept of gender identity is bullshit is because it has explanatory power.
DeleteCORRECTED COMMENT: What makes you think I know nothing about it? Let me ask you something. What form of behavior belongs to what gender? There's no correct answer to this question. If you say that a certain kind of behavior belongs to a woman, then all I have to do to debunk it is by showing you a man who behaves that way. This is where the concept of gender fails. If all forms of behavior can be part of people of all genders, (and it can), then the very concept of gender is incapable of categorizing behavior. And therefore, has nothing to explain about behavior. The reason why the concept of gender identity is bullshit is because it has NO explanatory power.
Delete"What form of behavior belongs to what gender?" I don't know. Men and women can do and behave in all the same ways. And it's not about clothes either or predilections.
DeleteCheck this out, please: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_dysphoria
This is why I said that you (like most people, roughly 95%) never experienced gender dysphoria and is why you're ignorant.
Similarly, do you believe that homosexuality is BS? Just because you're straight, that doesn't mean the same-sex romantic attraction is BS and doesn't exist.
All that said, I will readily admit that I don't understand what it is to be non-binary. I just don't, full stop. But just because I don't understand it doesn't mean that non-binary people don't exist. I believe they do.
I also don't know what it would be like to be bisexual. Or, to be attracted to men. But people are and I accept that there is variety in sexuality and, yes, gender.
You're missing the point here. If the things that you think and feel are all thoughts and feelings that both a man and a woman can have, then what you think and feel is simply irrelevant to the question of what you are. Only the things that a man and a woman don't share determines what a man and a woman are. Not the things they do share. This is also why the concept of non-binary falls flat on its face. There is nothing about non-binary people that distinguish them from either a man or a woman.
DeleteHere's the thing: since I was four years old I knew I wasn't on the "boy's team" and the girl's was where I belonged. I don't know how that intersects with thinking patterns, etc. It just is what it is.
DeleteCan I explain it? No.
I am 68 and transitioned when I was 61. I am so much more at home in my skin. Can I explain that? No, sorry, I can't.
It's no exaggeration to say that this call for action really got me thinking. I read it on the very same day that I had read another post by a popular trans blogger based in the US whose initial reaction to the result of the US Presidential election was to consider standing down their prominent and much appreciated website. Encouraged by supporters, she soon chose to continue her work. But this reaction brought home to me how serious the question of activism is for those feeling real fear for the future.
DeleteJack’s post definitely served as such a call for action for me, and I’m starting 2025 with thoughts about how I can become more active in raising the profile of trans related issues that matter to me. I am at least clear about being ready to do this, although being in the UK, at least in the year ahead, I suspect that raising my head a little more above the parapet will likely not expose me to the restriction of freedoms and possible persecution that may be on the horizon for our friends across the pond. I hope that such fears don’t foresee a much nastier future, but there’s little doubt that, transphobia is on the rise, and some of its proponents wield great power and influence.
My own approach to this call to action has been to reflect on what activism actually means to me, and where I currently feel ready and able to play my part. To help clarify my thoughts, I wrote a little essay for myself on the theme of being an activist guided by compassion. I won't attach it here, unless folks want to see it!, although will summarise some of the points in a post on my YouTube channel in the coming days.
The key things arising were really being clear about what it is I want to be active about, getting to the heart of what I'm passionate about and why. My sense is that effecting change can often happen at a local level, including among our own social groups and families, as well as taking part in marches and bombarding our politicians with letters. My sense is that raising the profile of what it is I want others to understand, hopefully accept and respond to, offering my stories and being factual, and and helping to educate them on the subjects they may know little about, will play an important part in this.
I recognise that I need to break out of a comfort zone and be ready to expose myself to potential criticism and engage in debate outside the relatively safe circle of the trans community, although it's not immediately clear to me how I will do this, or what form it may take. I also see that becoming more of an activist ties very closely to becoming more authentic and tuning in with my deepest truths. Again, exactly what these are will need a little teasing out, and I have set that as a primary intention for this new year.
So can a single post on a forum really make a difference? Well, this one at least hasn’t left me for some weeks now, and is stirring me to decide upon clear action. Well done Jack for taking the stand! Your rallying call has proved to bring about something of an awakening for me.