February 18, 2025

The Weight of America: Transgender People Under Siege

American society is like the inside of this monstrous mall, where people move like “sentient corpses". Photo: estherpoon

America has truly lost its soul, Kai McKenzie argues. Trans people find themselves under siege.

Guest article by Kai McKenzie 

As I sit in my Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada rental home, looking out at the quiet and cold snow-covered porch and yard outside, the ice crystals on the window glowing magically in the morning sunlight, and the little flecks of snow drifting upward on the breeze outside and catching the light like fireflies, I feel the weight of America. 

It’s inescapable. It follows and haunts me. I feel a fierce anger at the country where I was born, at the citizens who have thrown me and my children away, who barely bat an eye as our fellow trans citizens are erased from monuments, histories, medical records, and public life. America has truly lost its soul. 

The faces of the US

Born in Boulder, Colorado in 1964, growing up in Berkeley, California during the tumultuous 1960s and 70s, living in Boulder again for three decades before moving to Saskatchewan, Canada in 2018 for school, I’ve seen the many faces of the US: the liberal college town of Berkeley with its diversity and pride, colourful protests and street performers, passionate desire to stand up for human rights and fairness; the sleepy town of 29 Palms, California in the Mojave Desert, near the 29 Palms Marine Corp Base, where being American means being faithful and proud, ready to invade and stand strong at the behest of a Commander in Chief; Nashville, Tennessee, where my parents moved for a distinguished professorship in mathematics, a mix of southern tradition and new immigrants. 

The US has many faces, but what, in my mind, seems to characterize Americans is their ability to carry the weight of pretence, of imagining themselves to represent freedom and democracy while spearheading coups, undermining democratically-elected governments, supporting dictators for their oil and wealth, while at the same time supporting scientific research and medical and social aid throughout the world. 

These enormous contradictions mean that living in the US leads to a form of numbness, of pretence, of ignorance, of self-righteousness. 

Comfortably numb

As my fellow Two-Spirit and transgender Americans lose health care, access to identity documents, the right to safety, employment, education, representation, access to their histories, agency, are Americans at large concerned? Some are, obviously, but most slide comfortably further into the numbness that characterizes American life. 

David Guterson, in his 1993 essay “Enclosed. Encyclopedic. Endured. The Mall of America,” likened American society to the inside of this monstrous mall, where people move like “sentient corpses” in a landscape that confuses and distorts reality like an “M. C. Escher Drawing,” “outside of time and space . . . a potent dreamscape” with addictive and hallucinatory properties (166, 165, 172). 

This well describes Trump’s America, where American propensities of the past, toward pretence and imaginative self-righteousness, are now blatant, unrepentant, and undisguised. 

As King Trump makes wild proclamations about what is real and what is not, renames geographical features, and demands that Gaza, Canada, and Greenland offer themselves up on the altar of American greatness, the American bloated lack of regard for other perspectives is merely more obvious than it was in the past. 

Under siege

My trans friends in Colorado, those with whom I and my children campaigned and lobbied for inclusion and respect from 2014-2018, now find themselves under siege, threatened by sinister, infiltrating federal “executive orders” received as law. 

What I’m witnessing frightens me: the University of Colorado’s Laboratory of Atmospheric and Space Physics going along with Trump’s dictates to remove references to diversity and trans issues, the National Park Service scrubbing trans people from the Stonewall Monument to the uprising which trans people played the biggest role in, people right and left in the US going along with these orders and commands, like zombies sleepwalking into fascism. 

Imploding from within

My hope is that, as Trump and his sidekick Musk plunder American agencies, destroying the ability of the United States to respond to disease and disaster, that it will all implode from within, that the American greed to be great will finally undermine itself. 

Meanwhile, I hope we can try to help the people most affected by Trump’s policies, low-income communities at risk of the impacts of global warming; Two-Spirit and trans people losing health care, identity documents and safety; scientists and policymakers targeted for standing up for science and sanity. Hold onto the shreds and fragments of the destruction and perhaps we can rebuild relationships, policies, and practices, just as little flecks of drifting snow continue to rise toward the light. 

Work Cited: Guterson, David. “Enclosed. Encyclopedic. Endured. The Mall of America.” The Norton Anthology of Nonfiction, thirteenth edition. W. W. Norton & Company, 2012, pp. 161-173.


  1. Beginning with Reagan's election in 1980 I have been watching the implosion happen slowly from north of the border with the erosion of empathy in a culture that seemed to prioritize economic wealth and consumerism over social health. It's gotten much worse since then and as a 1962 baby I have seen progress happen but then be snatched by actors looking for strawmen to blame their woes on.

    Neoliberalism and globalization policies have hollowed out the social fabric and many are finally realizing that the well  being of the majority is not part of the grand equation. It is why the easiest targets are being chosen as victims to hide the true problems which lie underneath.

    The implosion will continue until drastic measures are taken to revise the philosophical underpinnings which have led to this point. Late stage capitalism isn't pretty.

  2. Replies
    1. A very beautiful reflection on a very disturbing and tragic movement.

  3. It's all very threatening and scary and brutal particularly for people around the world who're now facing starvation and medical disaster. Here in the US, parents and trans kids are being uprooted and having to make terrible and fast choices about how to proceed and live well in the face of onslaught which is mean-spirited and cruel.
    Here in Washington state there is pending legislation (which I am almost certain will fail) to outlaw medical support for trans people under the age of 18.
    There's scary news everywhere one looks everyday. But there are some things that give me some optimism and hope such as:
    - The electorate that delivered Trump et al to power is very divided. From what I can see each subdivision is there for their own special interests and ignoring others that are distasteful. But now in office their actions are hurting their voters. I can only wonder how long it will be before those voters change their allegiance.
    - Yesterday the NYT reported that nearly 10% of Americans now identify as LGBTQ. 10%!!! Talk about a huge demographic that, to a greater or lesser extent, will be energized to vote against the current government. And it's even larger (maybe 15% of Americans?) who're parents, relatives, and friends of these people?
    - Although there is plenty that is already happening there is a lot that's being challenged in the courts and will likely end up at the Supreme Court. As much as I am concerned about the political skew of the bench I am assuming that they're also seeing themselves as the last bastion of our form of government.

    Yes, the Democrats seem to be pretty silent. I assume they're deep in strategic and tactical planning for the mid-term elections coming in 2026. They're not going to just give up and they're also full of smart people. Given the model of what we've witnessed in recent years with McConnell and others, should both houses of Congress be flipped (which could really happen) MAGA/Project 2025/Trump will be stymied and slowed.

    I have a lot of high expectations for 2026.

    1. It's already looking bad for the orange idiot at town halls where people are luvid. 2026 could see a massive blue wave provided the democracy still exists

    2. The Democratic Party is silent right now. If it was to try to develop a party platform, what would it be? Sticking to the attack on transmen and transwomen, I seriously doubt if most people have ever encountered one or the other. The public has been exposed to situations promoted in the media that I doubt most will ever encounter. In Utah, all heck broke out concerning trans high school athletes. It was said out of 84,000 high school athletes participating in team sports, there were FOUR transkids, only one of whom was a transgirl. One out of 84,000 and the state legislature went nuts. I have watched national media highlight a situation where an athlete, born male, flip-flopped between identifying as male and female, and winning races as a female. Another news piece it was the same. Born a male and competing and winning in a women's swimming event the winning time would have been placed more than 700th among male swimmers. I think any parent who has a daughter would see some conflicts. The political ads scared people. The people I know who seem to be haters have always brought out the bible. I have heard the hate from the pulpit. They can justify their hate because, to them, a higher "authority" says its wrong. I do not believe any trans person would chose to be trans and incur the wrath of the haters. My niece would not have chosen to be autistic and my 40+ year old nephew would not have chosen to have the capacity of a child. And, another nephew would not have been chosen to have a congenital defect that took his life as a toddler. Not all of God's children are perfect. Please do not thumb your bible when speaking of transkids without also thumbing it about others who are born different. Beware of the Orange Kool-Aid dictator because he has and will continue to go after anybody that he can use to promote himself. What is disturbing to me is the number of people who choose to follow his edicts, but should I be surprised given what happened in Germany in the 1930's?

  4. When trans people and the people who support them say that transwomen are real women, they are lying. That is a real problem. If people are willing to lie about something as obvious as that, then why should society trust them on anything else?

    1. The problem with this argumentation is that man and woman have meaning beyond biological terms. They are roles within society such that taking this position to the extreme would take a perfectly passable young transgender woman who has had HRT and all her surgeries and force her to use the men's room which us clearly imbecilic. Then we need to start policing genitals which is ludicrous considering we are talking about 1% of the population.

      Transphobes love the biology argument so they can couch their hatred in it. It's gotten so stupid that biological women who don't pass the feminine inspection exam have been kicked out of the ladies room by these morons.

      Do all gender variant people call themselves women? Of course not which is why it's a complex subject which requires nuance and not stupidity.

    2. In Trump's America a young transgender woman who fully transitioned in her early twenties was forced recently to renew her passport under her male birth name. She is perfectly passable and attractive such that no one would even guess she wasn't born female.

      These people aren't rocket scientists but if nothing else are determined to make fools of themselves

    3. You really don't get it, do you? The words man and woman refers to sex, not genders. Why? Because there aren't such things as genders. If all forms of behavior (thoughts and feelings included) can be part of a person of any gender (and they can) then no form of behavior is excluded from any particular gender. Therefore, no differences between the genders can be established. Let me ask you this. Is there any form of behavior that we cannot find in a person of any particular gender? No. Then how do you know the differences between the genders? No form of behavior is excluded from a gender. That's right. In practice, EVERYONE has the same fucking gender! Yes, the concept of gender is actually THAT stupid! That's why the words man and woman refers to sex and not gender. Because in order for those words to have any real meaning, they need to refer to something that is real. Sex is real. Genders are not. It's nothing more than contradictory bullshit.

    4. I'm afraid you are the thick one here. Sex doesn't decide self perception or behaviour which is what the concept of gender covers. This is why under man and woman we see different levels of masculine and feminine energy. If physical sex covered that aspect, then everyone would be the same and we wouldn't have masculine women or feminine men. This concept has nothing necessarily to do with transition but rather how one feels comfortable interacting in the world. But please do calm down as you aren't going to convert me after years of research on the topic with your bluster. Be chill.

    5. Oh, joannaS. You STILL don't get it. It's very simple. What people have in common with a man, will never be the things that makes people different from a man. Because of this, the ONLY way how a transwoman can actually be something different from a man, if there's something about a transwoman that we simply won't find in a man. Let's face it. You have to believe that a man is simply incapable of feeling and thinking the things that a transwoman feels and thinks, before you can ever start to believe that what a transwoman thinks and feels makes that transwoman something different from a man. So, the real question is as follows. Do you honestly believe that a man is incapable of feeling and thinking the things that a transwoman feels and thinks? Because if the answer is no, (and we both know the answer is no) then how the hell can anything that a transwoman thinks and feels ever convince you that a transwoman is not a man? The reality is that we all know EXACTLY what a transwoman really is. You just don't like the implications of it all. Because if a man truly believes that he's a woman, then that man is mad.

    6. The thing that keeps eluding you is that you have no personal notion or understanding of gender dysphoria? Do you have it? I suspect not I have never argued for womanhood or not womanhood. What interests me instead is how one grapples with a birth condition that most imbecile transphobes have no clue about. Does every gender variant person have it? No of course not which is why I make careful distinctions between expression and identity issues. However not to acknowledge that sex is between the legs and gender between the ears is just being willfully obtuse. Think what you like which is entirely your business and of no consequence to me. Transgender people will continue to exist regardless

    7. "sex is between the legs and gender between the ears" You have no idea how idiotic this argument actually is. The argument that the definition of what a woman is has anything to do with people's thoughts, feelings or behavior is complete and utter nonsense because the argument is completely circular.


      Question. "What is a woman?"
      Answer: "Someone who feels, thinks and behaves like a woman."
      Question: "Someone who feels, thinks and behaves like a what?"
      Answer: "A woman."
      Question: "Then what is a woman?"
      Answer: "Someone who feels, thinks and behaves like a woman."

      You see? The argument simply doesn't work. That's why the definition of what a woman is lies in biology and not in thoughts, feelings or behavior. And by the way, you haven't answered my question. Do you honestly believe that a man is incapable of feeling and thinking the things that a transwoman feels and thinks?

    8. Thick as a post and not worth my time. We are not discussing "womanhood" which I clearly stated. I am talking about how to deal with what has been for decades now to be a clinically recognized condition. Best of luck to you;) and go back to watching Matt Walsh video or better yet read Harry Benjamin

    9. Okay you two. Enough of this, time for a time out.

      Obviously you're both entrenched in your opinions and unwilling to see the other side. I must admit, I'm on Joanna's side.

      "Gender doesn't exist"? Okay, but what about sexuality? I think most know and appreciate that some people are attracted by members of their same birth sex, and some are attracted to both.

      I live in Washington state and was recently informed that there was proposed legislation to outlaw medical care for trans kids younger that 18. Here's what I wrote to our legislators:

      "I was born with male genitalia almost 69 years ago. Forty-five years ago I was camping with my (ex) wife at a gay resort with a couple of male gay friends. The men were having a blast in the pool area splashing around. I asked my friend, Tom, who was gay (he died of AIDS several years later) if being gay was a choice since, after all, it seemed that everyone was having a great time. With an emotional and friendly sigh he said, "No." I took that to mean that although he was thoroughly in love with his partner that, on balance, life would probably be easier if he was straight.

      Fast forward to 2016, with help from a therapist, and a couple of years of my own research, I admitted to myself and everyone that I am transgender. I had been experiencing gender dysphoria since I was in preschool. It was a secret that I was deeply ashamed of and wished would just go away. But it just wouldn't. It was always there, always my terribly shameful secret. My life was miserable, it didn't feel worth living.

      I wish to say that I know that for cisgender people, the notion of gender dysphoria and being transgender is completely foreign and not comprehendible. As a right-handed person I can't imagine being left-handed. Similarly, I always and only been attracted to women, so at one time I was labeled "straight" and am now a lesbian. I simply cannot imagine being attracted to men.

      My point is that many, if not most, trans kids know much earlier than puberty about their innate and true gender. Denying them puberty blockers sentences them to a life like mine, where if they were assigned male at birth their voice changes permanently, they grow beard hair, and their body changes to a male-like physique. Why would we want to legislate that they cannot receive care and help before puberty? Because some believe that kids are being treated long before they really know who they are and can make decisions for themselves.

      Okay, I have two sons (now 36 and 40 years old) and I fully understand how they made poor decisions and their thinking matured over the years. There were plenty of times when I didn't do what they wanted.

      But in the case of kids who express their gender dysphoria and happen to have parents who listen and look for answers and understanding:
      (...continued in following comment...)

    10. "- The medical community does not prescribe or do anything until a very complete and thorough assessment is conducted. Even if the parents insisted (which is extraordinarily unlikely) the doctors, therapists, and others simply will not move forward unless and until they are convinced that in the best interest of the child that it's the right thing to do.

      - Also, nothing is done suddenly and irreversibly until, with experience and treatment, the path is clear. For example, puberty blockers can be started and then, later, if the child changes their mind or has second thoughts, the blocker is simply stopped and normal puberty proceeds.

      I also see that there seems to be a big growth in the number of trans people and kids, so maybe it's a fad or something fun to do for a while. Although there are certainly some teens "give it a try" (like teens tend to do) the idea that they would take their experimental/experiential trial to the extreme of physical changes is very unlikely. Although, yes, it does happen.

      We all wish there was an unambiguous objective test (such as a blood test) that would unequivocally tell us whether one is truly trans or not. Maybe some day but not today. Is there one for homosexuality?

      We've also witnessed the emergence of other gender variants such as nonbinary and others. Although I can't imagine what it would feel like or be like to be nonbinary that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. As I wrote early on, just because I could never imagine being attracted to men we all know that roughly half of the human population is.

      I must add that to be transgender is to be as normal as any human being. Unusual, yes. But is being left-handed abnormal? How about homosexual? I am fully aware that trans people represent around 1% of the population. It's not new, it's not a fad, it's real. Let's give parents and their kids every opportunity to live happy, healthy, and productive lives."

      And that, my friends, is all I'm going to say on this for now!

    11. I shall listen to the teacher 😌

    12. Oh God, where do I begin? Let me try to explain this as simply as I can. Because I know that I'm talking to people who have completely embraced the bogus concept of gender. Here are the facts. Everything that transwomen could ever possibly think, feel, say and do, are all the end result of electrical and chemical reactions inside the brain. This is an undisputed fact. Here is another undisputed fact. All these electrical and chemical reactions are all electrical and chemical reactions that the brain of a man CAN and WILL produce. That means, BY IT'S VERY NATURE, that NOTHING that transwomen will ever feel, think, say or do, will make any of them something different from a man. You can try and try to deny these facts with all kinds of mental and linguistic gymnastics. But in the end, there they are. Transwomen are men. For the very simple an obvious reason that there is absolutely nothing about them that distinguish them from a man. Deny this at your own peril.

  5. Thanks, Joanna. In my small ways I try to move the argument from being a righteous religious debate to something more considered. It takes time and energy that I'd prefer spending elsewhere but although there's likely no immediate change, change comes slowly.

    Calling people names drives people to entrench themselves in defensive crouches and feeds their fear and animosity. In short, it doesn't do anyone any good, especially for us.

    About the trans woman's renewing her passport under her male birth name, that may happen to me although I've legally changed my name and gender in the court. In preparation I've submitted the documents needed to update my birth certificate too.

    If the same thing happens to me, well, it'll be a bummer but in some ways I think it will be fun as I consider what the customs officer will do/fee/say when I've presented myself to them for immigration into their country. What a great opportunity to demonstrate the ridiculousness of what's happening now in the US!

    I'll also add that I don't care for the word "passable". To me, "passing" implies being someone who's snuck in, under the radar, as something they're not. I prefer the word "blend" which is what I want, to be recognized as I go through my life as the (trans) woman that I am.

  6. Yes blending is really what I meant my point being that nothing about this young person signaled transgender since she began her transition so young.


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